Mallory Knox - Koko Camden - 06/04/17

I love living so close to London, even after finishing work at half 5 in South Cambridge, I managed to drive home, grab my gear and then get a train into London and get to Koko just in time to shoot the first support band (and that was even after getting confused on the tube!). 

I'd forgotten how small the pit at Koko was and it was pretty packed, plus there was a 360 cam set up so we didn't really have too much space to work with. Here's some of my fav shots taken for MOSH.

Mallory Knox-2017social-7424.jpg


Lonely The Brave

Lonely social-7148.jpg

All images © Jemma Dodd Photography


You Me At Six - Alexandra Palace - 15/04/17


All Time Low - Brixton Academy - 31/03/17